Лучше ужасный конец, чем бесконечный ужас.
First i tried to wright about Aya, but then i presumed it will be to much mentioning her in one flashmobe so i will wright about something else. I have already wrought about my parents and just going to wright about my first love so i am going to wright about some abstract people. The thing that causes me a lot of pain is that people in Russia always spoil the environment. There are big mountains of garbage that rise around the city. Our country house that is just 50 km from Moscow is already spoiled by pollution. There was a nice river many goats and cows just three years ago. Now there is a garbage ground. And we still don't sort our rubbish to make it recyclable. It hurts me a lot because my children will live on this planet and it's being swiftly polluted.