Лучше ужасный конец, чем бесконечный ужас.
There were lots of people. Mainly they grew older and our interests began to differ. It's not like i am standing on one place. It's just a way of life, aged people change it. When you are young you try to fuck everything and ride bike, or plain or sky-dive. Closer to your middle-ages you begin to think about job, kids, house, future... You stop developing and stand at one level trying to save it. Get "old friends" together and drink with them. It's not for me, i am going to reamin young for may be 30 years more. So we're drifted away. The only thing that's worrying me is that today's 15-18 years old people are already to old for me. Most of them have forgot what a wonderful, full of adventures place the world is, they forgot how to dream.